lol keep replying stupid hoe
Xena stated: source post
Sure V. My award winning anthropology/ archaeology/ primatology profs... you know, the ones who taught me the stuff you're tryina discredit with your silly meme... they were stupid bitches too~
Ah, this angle again. Having been taught something isn't the same as having learned something, nor does it put you onto the same tier as the ones teaching it.
Xena stated: source post
lol yeah. I fanaggled my way into 4 university courses without paying.
I'm a blithering retard ~
There's ways for all sorts of people to not have to pay for courses, even "blithering retards" I'm sure.
Virus stated: source post
Primal stated: source post
Wawaaaaaa....keep it up look brilliant..
She thinks so... I guess that is all that matters...
Xena missed the point of the whole thread... LOL...
Never ceases to amaze me....when it seems impossible that she be more obtuse....she lowers the bar on herself...
You REALLY didn't get this... good things those 4 courses were for free...
Xena stated: source post
Virus stated: source post
My current endeavors have me studying deep into the doctrine of Calvinistic Theology. As a Christian perspective of philosophy I find more validity in the Calvinist way of thinking than others... after you throw-out the basic circular argument.
Should have been a telling clue right here... just how serious I was going to get...
What I find most interesting is the thought of total depravity of human kind with limited atonement found through G-d's grace. This means there are only a few "elect" which are chosen as His people to enter into His kingdom for His glory. All other's are destined to perish, die, and go to hell... but, they are created to do so in order for His "elect" to see the greater glory and adhere to His calling. How can a just and loving God create souls just to be destroyed? And what would these tainted souls look like?
Enter, sociopathy/psychopathy... God created everything to include evil and it is the sociopath/psychopath who is G-d's "Hand of Wrath". All for His Glory.
Most obvious how serious I was going now? You can not be that thick... but for good measure... to ensure no one takes this too ligit...
Just a thought...
At no time did I mention evolution versus creationism in this op... it became a sub topic... the silly question proposed was Am I the Wrathful Hand of God...
This whole thread has been a philosophical defense through a finite theology of the crap shit I do sometimes
Pure bullshit... but it did lead to good discussion until... you... you started typing... it doesn't matter if it is a fact... you always add your opinion to the fact which diminishes the statement altogether... because you are an uneducated victim of four free community college class and a minimum wage job... who can not put together concrete ideas much less... handle abstract thought... stop hating me because Life steamed rolled YOU... but... it is not too late to go big... excel... stop crying on SC...
"Most obvious how serious I was going now?"
Um... most obvious how serious I was going?
Johnny Cash at the zombie apoclypse ffs.
And you're still tryina tell me I missed the point.
"Where did we get our eyebrows? Well maybe it was mate selection"
Like, are you just really stupid or did you not bother to read a damn JOKE I wrote in response to your jokes?
Xena stated: source post
"Most obvious how serious I was going now?"
Um... most obvious how serious I was going?
Johnny Cash at the zombie apoclypse ffs.
And you're still tryina tell me I missed the point.
"Where did we get our eyebrows? Well maybe it was mate selection"
Like, are you just really stupid or did you not bother to read a damn JOKE I wrote in response to your jokes?
just to be clear... this is where I stand... on talking with your ignorant ass... about anything right now...