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Am I Relevant?

Posts: 683

I just wanted to know if I'm relevant to SC. I sense that I am. On a scale from 0 to 10 would be appreciated. 


Posts: 1259
Am I Relevant?

Maybe a 3?

Posts: 10218
Am I Relevant?

You certainly want to be anyway. 

Posts: 683
Am I Relevant?

I'm not trolling...

Posts: 683
Am I Relevant?

I do!

Posts: 557
Am I Relevant?

Your relevance is relevant to perspectives. I think so...

Posts: 13
Am I Relevant?

We work for the pope, we murder people. We’re Vatican assassins. How complicated can it be? What they’re not ready for is guys like you and I and Nails and all the other gnarly gnarlingtons in my life, that we are high priests, Vatican assassin warlocks. Boom. 


Nine and a half, bae. ;)

Posts: 21
Am I Relevant?

10/10 would fap to. so long and thanks for all the fish 

Posts: 797
Am I Relevant?

Yeah. At least like a 6. Inquirer putting you at a 3 is amusing cuz you're more relevant than him.

Posts: 476
Am I Relevant?

Let's see..

0 in drama (unless Frunk would read our pm's while using your acc).

7 in thread making

6-8 in thread quality

8-9 personality uniqueness wise

Would give you a 7, I think 


10 / 15 posts
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