Love is emotional suicide for a small payoff. Not that it stops me from chasing the feeling, I'm an addict for allot of things.
Astamiss stated: source post
Love is love. Love can be described by symptoms. I can tell you how love walks and talks. I could not tell you what love is in mere words. I will put my descriptions.
I know there are different kind of love so I will get into true love with a partner...
Love is a powerful admiration, attraction, or bond. It is the moment you no longer consider anyone else as a candidate to be your partner (in the case where your partner is monogamous). It is when you are invested in someone so much you can put their needs and desires over your own. It is when the person may become an integrated part of your life. It is when they are granted full or close to full access to who you are as a person and your life. It is when there is a great deal of trust. It can take months or years to form.
I think unconditional love is the best.
Love unconditional is true love without conditions. It means it can never fade no matter what happens. It is one of the most peculiar types of love. It will not diminish or fade even if the person were to commit a massacre and torture human beings. It is when you would consider your partner a part of your identity. It takes like years to form and tends to happens when parents love their children. It does not require trust because it will never ever fade away. It can happen between romantic partners.
Love, is a choice.
Systematic stated: source post
"Love, is a choice. "
Yep, totally agree with this. While there are instances where off of a first glance you can just be blown away with infatuation for someone, whether you choose to let that fester is up to you.
I don't think it's supposed to work like that...