lol I read that as "I am from Canada you buffoon"
WW's right. Your punctuation sux moose weenies.
You buffoon xP
Sugar: luna can i ask you a question
Luna Prey: yes siurgar
Sugar: have you ever cried over anything that has happened on SC?
Luna Prey: yes sirgar?
Luna Prey: have you?
Sugar: yes i have :(
Sugar: have you
Luna Prey: i think i got teary when turncoat turned coat :(
Sugar: turned coat?
Luna Prey: it was as if my own little pet who i raised from a little puppy
Luna Prey: he bit me!!
angee12880113: when you played your mean wicked prank lol
Sugar: when you found out TC was gonna mod at KF?
Luna Prey: ya
Xena stated: source post
- 1:50
Xena: It's 2am. Awfully late for somebody who claims to work in a law office
- 1:51
WW3: i think
- 1:51
MissCommunication: who works in a law office
- 1:51
Sugar: am i from canada you buffoon
- 1:51
Xena: sugar keeps tryina tell us she works in a law office
- 1:51
MissCommunication: lol
- 1:51
Sugar: also
- 1:51
MissCommunication: sugar works in a call centre
- 1:51
Sugar: i've never said that..
- 1:51
MissCommunication: part time
Call Centre. AHAHAHAHA!
I'd like to know who sent this letter:
Sugar stated: source post
i'm just...trolling...and having fun......with people....this isn't....the extent...of..what i do
She da niglet of Social Justardice Warturds!
All Hail the Queen!