^ iz muh new Canada Day shirt <3
Dude rocks that moose like Legolas' Daddy elf.
^ iz muh new Canada Day shirt <3
Dude rocks that moose like Legolas' Daddy elf.
The message behind the photo shoot is consistent with Trudeau’s rhetoric on the campaign trail. “I said that Canada needs to stand strongly against the bully Putin,†Trudeau said next to the pristine stream, while flicking water droplets out of his curly locks. “That strong stand starts today, and it starts by me riding this moose without a shirt on.â€
Late last night, Putin issued a statement on the photo shoot. “I ride bears, so I fear no mooses†Putin said, misusing the plural of “mooseâ€. Trudeau countered, saying, “Moose kill more Canadians each year than terrorists. So if Putin doesn’t fear them, he’ll have to learn that he’s a damn fool the hard way.â€
Trudeau even considered the possibility that, if it could avoid “all out war†with Russia, he would challenge Putin to a moose-back versus bear-back jousting tournament. “Let’s just say I won’t rule it out at this time†Trudeau confirmed. “I think that my record in blood sports against political advisories speaks for itself.â€
Let that sink in a minute.
Moose kill more Canadians than terrorists.
Fuck I love this country.
Hey... do homicidal terrorists kill smaller numbers of Canadians than the number dead by homicidal moose?
Or do those same homicidal Canuck killing moose just happen to murder fewer foreign born people who are also terrorists?
Xena stated: source post
Let that sink in a minute.
Moose kill more Canadians than terrorists.
Jhonen gets it:
Shitty quality link with the cropped out portion that displays how threatening it truly is.
Edit: Forgot that this is apparently not his only moose reference: Minimoose, The Wall Monster.