Your Super Serious Title is: The Troubled Empath
Your Total Score: 48 out of 80
Your Out of Control Healer Score: 7 out of 10
Your Protection Tools Score: 14 out of 25
How Much You Mirror Others Unconsciously Score: 9 out of 15
Your Appreciation for Nature Score: 8 out of 10
You scored toward the middle of the scale on the overall results. It is possible you have some empathic abilites, which could be further developed with practice and commitment.
You are pretty intuitive and can usually tell when people are lying. You don't need to be near water which means your second chakra is probably doing well. You prefer to be in nature and this is another very good indicator of being empathic! You like nature and love to experience it's healing properties! But you have a gift for influencing the moods, energies, atmospheres, and environments around you.
You are not effected by other people's emotions. You scored toward the middle of the "Mirroring Others Unconsciously" portion of the quiz. This means that you tend to be your own person, but you might benefit from learning some energy protection tools.
You are pretty good at protecting your aura and energy space, but might benefit from energy work. Sometimes you've got it under control, but you probably struggle more than most people.