whats your weight turnip
Yeah that's pretty awful but you're still doing better than most SC girls, as I said you'd give them lessons bay. Replacing sugars with stimulants (caffeine, meth, coke, you choose) somewhat worked for me and I am approaching 175 lbs myself from about 280 lmao. I think the most demotivating factor is how good the food makes you feel, gotta find another source I guess (like stimulants kekeke), go on and become the skinny (and therefore beautiful) babe you were meant to be, I believe in you ;p
Something that works really well is cutting out whites- milk, sugars breads cheese(the struggle was real), rice ect. And going all out on that water. Caffeine if youre able to handle it. Burpees, mountain climbers and suicide runs will make you hate breathing but are super effective.