Politics in a drinking game? Debates we all know the endings of (theyre not gonna do it OR they're fucking themselves up so bad the Queen will have to cry herself to sleep?) in a Sociopath Community Drinking game? I dunno....
blanc stated: source post
This is so goddamn stupid, but doesn't surprise me coming for niniela.
its so sad that you call me stupid and still I have to correct your english. If I'm already counting as stupid and I'm speaking two and a half languages and you already fail at your first one, doesnt that mean youre borderline retarded?
Stupidity and retardation doesn't rely on one's ability to not make typos. I grew up speaking three languages, and I make typos in all three of them.
I understand you want to use my typo as a way to get back at me for calling your thread stupid. But this was never personal, and I feel you're making it so and will continue to do so because, you're not an intellectual person who can remain in one realm of debate without breaking the first rule of debate which is: don't point out the flaws of your opponent. It's a low blow, and proves you have little to support your argument.
You instead should devise a thesis that entails reasoning for why your thread is in fact, not stupid. And all the positive effects your thread has made on this community and it's members.
And then I too, will devise a thesis. Entailing, why your thread is in fact, stupid as hell.
Oh, youre damn right about the thread being stupid, I just didnt like that you attacked me personally for it (" doesnt surprise me coming from Niniela"). So you did what you're criticising me for and then don't like the answer. As I agree on your thesis we don't have to argue. Time for the fun part :)