Let's get it straight - you're saying that QuantumKaos is an account of mine?
Tryptamine stated: source post
The man's a Machiavellian, and took effective PR stances as a businessman. So what? The Senate will be scrutinizing him relentlessly, and anyone competent at PR knows they have to be consistent. I would be surprised to see any vague statements around the Primaries.
So he's a good candidate because he's good at handling his PR (in an age where the more ludicrous he is the more support he gets)? And even if he stopped being vague around the Primaries, how can you trust someone that has a proven record of not really believing in anything? Your wiki link pretty much starts off with: "Trump has said that he is "totally flexible on very, very many issues.""
Xena stated: source post
It talks like you, wooster.
On that note, you are Cora Segal aka Trigglypuff and i claim my £200.
Also explains why your syntax is so excruciatingly primitive.
moonshine stated: source post
Ever occurred to you why certain countries like Hungary, Czech, Poland still enjoy a peaceful, liberal and free life, unaffected by migrant crime and Stasi-like thought-police as well?
It's all in the fence.
A fence (and similar distinctions) are authoritarian solutions and they mix badly with my idea of a "peaceful, liberal and free-life". Sometimes authoritarian methods are necessary but I'd avoid them if possible.
The current migration crisis is definitely a problem (on various levels) but the eastern European decision to only care about themselves is disappointing to a lot of other countries. Or is your solution that we should all fence ourselves in again, like in the good old days?
moonshine stated: source post
I take it you don't really keep up with the events. That may explain why you still think "xenophobia" is a thing. Or why 'hate' has this quasi-religious negative connotation in your mind. In 2016. Some of you people are really fossils, i don't know if your dopey parents are to blame...
You find a way to say this in pretty much every thread on this topic, and to every person.
Here goes another threadjack.
Just so you morons don't get too confused, I'll explain it to you once more.
Referring to puppets who stalk me and throw out lame stupid insults as "wooster" is a joke.
Like saying "No shit, Sherlock" to a really bad detective.
No, I didn't literally think Turncoat was Sherlock Holmes last time I said that to him.
And no I don't literally think every lame puppet who argues badly is wooster.
"Also explaind why your syntax is so excruciatingly primitive."
Um... no. I write in the style of a 3rd grade teacher when I'm on SC bc that's comprehension level that most of my SC audience demonstrates when they question me.
I write for my audience. I polish it up when I write for people I actually care to impress.
Trump will win and i think i might even bet money on it. It would be neat to get some free shit xD
And i have recently find out that Trump is for sure 100% not a moron. Which makes me wary and at the same time i like him more.
However, he is definitely not the establishment and this is the best thing you would want in America. There is no freedom in America. Trump and Sanders were anti-establishment, but Sanders lost.
Defiance stated: source post
Hungary and Czech Rep outside of Prague are shitholes, nobody wants to live there.
(Actually the best parts of Czech are outside of Prague. Prague itself is good though, but you get undiluted architecture in the smaller towns.)
"The current migration crisis is definitely a problem (on various levels) but the eastern European decision to only care about themselves is disappointing to a lot of other countries."
This is how things will be, when the EU is an authoritarian system, lead by the fuhrer Merkel, lying to everyone with promise of freedom, democracy, multi-culturism and harmony. It has failed on each and every step, it has fucked everyone, it helps very little in regards to the damage it does.
Why should anyone, care about the opinion of lairs and fuckers? More so, why would anyone care, when you fuck a fucker and he is disappointed that you fucked him, after he fucked you? He should even expect that. Maybe people will see their national identity again and stop taking it in the ass, by people who do not care about them, in the slightest. And when people see that, they wont care back.
Only 'cuck' countries and authoritarian countries will feel disappointed, when another country stops taking it like a whore.