What the fuck you said in your analysis thread that you handle truces really well you backstabbing snitch. i guess you don't know yourself well enough. you need to be rounded up and locked in a facility with all the other disgusting liars.
i have faith that your inner demons will get to you sooner or later :D
Sugar stated: source post
you have had many opportunities but you always shy away, and this bothers me. particularly with ed and sist, but many others. remember that was what i got annoyed about when it came to sist.
You surely talk about me wanting women to fight here, but it kinda seems like there's some projection going on.
Mee stated: source post
I have been a very good boy and still wasn't brought back in the group, thus some elaboration won't hurt.What happened overall was JChitty fleeing the group after some word exchange with Crick, which inspired me to make a thread http://sociopath-community.com/posts/570e650687f5cee1497bd3f8 . It was met by our entirely objective mod with "Look at Damien's thread lmao" "Who is he or she?" It was no secret that I was behind it due to the thread I previously made ( http://sociopath-community.com/posts/56dea5d16a70339318b75ed7 ), but, for some reason, nobody revealed the identity of this entity... Naturally, I decided it would be fun to pounce on the MewMewCuddleKitteh's thread ( http://sociopath-community.com/posts/570f030687f5cee1497bda3c ), taking advantage of the element of surprise and giving them a little poky poke. It was obvious the truth would come out, but hey, what's the worst that could happen? You jumped in later and I thought you'd find the escalation amusing. By no means I thought you'd jump on her after the assumption of you being jealous, thus also putting me in a bad position for sharing some inside details, which was the official argument for kicking me out the first time. Bad Sugar XD
see, even now you only want to talk in PM which just makes me think you're being sneaky. let's have some transparency here..what did you tell ang about me this time?
as did your comments about ang
Secondly, you know as much about what seems to be your failed trolling attempt as the third party involved. I have screens to back up the main points.
what third party? i don't even know what you're attempting to say..lol
What I know for a fact is that one of the three of us (you, ang, me) attempted to stir shit between some of the two of us. I'm certain it wasn't me and you two keep fingering each other, failing to provide actual evidence. Pointing fingers, that is. Alright. Be right back. Anyhow, I thought you two had it cleared up.
you have had many opportunities but you always shy away, and this bothers me. particularly with ed and sist, but many others. remember that was what i got annoyed about when it came to sist.
This also came up three years ago...
"thrillkill is incinerated. mee receives a nasty thump to the head that causes him to stop being so evasive and have some goddamn balls. sugargirl and lycan receive artificial injuries as the jaybrid cocoon them with his large torso, pumped from all the steroids it takes.
sugargirl jumps up, brushes herself off and drags mee by his hair back into the wrecked apartment for a little interrogation. lycan and his knife also make an appearance." ( )
Sist had all the reasons to be hostile with me ever since the accident. So, I summoned him to my "Dear Sugar" thread to make him feel better ( "cuck (Ken you dog ;) " ). Well, I did laugh the whole time behind the curtains, but it's the thought that counts, I suppose.
"keep responding calmly and indifferently that will stir him up lmao"
"he's free to comment but I won't respond"
fuckers gonna shoot up welfare xd"
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAZEWtyhpes (marvelous movie)).
As far as Edvard is concerned, when he first came to Nabble, people were telling how he must be my older brother who I invited to make myself look better in contrast. Sure, he sometimes pokes me, e.g. with my dick (you know what I'm talking about :D), etc. I sometimes poke him back with country bollocks or a fake fight, making him feel as if he has the upper hand and seeing how he gets all excited. Still, I don't mind him sometimes poking me to get back on his feet. He laughs. I laugh. Win win. That's what buddies do, am I right?
Me and Ed in a nutshell:
3:53 Puppetypuppet Puppetypuppet: I could then give you my id and deny as the original :P
3:57 Edvard Edvard: not much sense...
3:57 Edvard Edvard: why would you do such vile thing
4:08 Puppetypuppet Puppetypuppet: To exploit your curiosity.
4:08 Puppetypuppet Puppetypuppet: You'd be running around all confused. Cute.
4:09 Edvard Edvard: mika?Besides, he was having a hard time lately already.
So, I have no reason to attack either of them and tolerating their bullshit instead of lashing out is a thing a man with quite some backbone could pull off, I say. You don't say?
and this bothers me
May I ask you why?
I don't know why half of the post went all Italics O.O fixed...
A good boy? XD Your whole game here is a fucking mess, Mee. It's awkward blunder after blunder and it's amazing how you can piss off so many people without really meaning to. You surely love to be on "good terms" with everyone so they can pass you info and "let you in", but you are needy and confused about their reactions when they don't go your way. You are the real confused puppy here, and when you're not wiggling your tail for narc supply you're just chasing it in circles. I know you have no real bad intentions towards anyone, it's why I don't feel like fighting with you, I'm a dog person. But there's no secret most here are cat people.
Hiding as in seeing this in this thread without any other contact? Or was there some public chat I slept through? :(
Guilty as charged. A share slip is wrong. It escalating to a leak even more so. Bad turnout. Bad Mee.
If I understood it correctly, that pic wasn't intended for a public reveal, unlike two others, which in turn makes it easier to understand the issue, which is sharing personally entrusted material, especially to such an outcome.
I pondered intensively and was relieved to discover that similar occurrences aren't bound to happen. Yay for Mee...
With those things said, I'd like to make an official apology.
I'm sorry.
A good boy? XD Your whole game here is a fucking mess, Mee. It's awkward blunder after blunder and it's amazing how you can piss off so many people without really meaning to. You surely love to be on "good terms" with everyone so they can pass you info and "let you in", but you are needy and confused about their reactions when they don't go your way. You are the real confused puppy here, and when you're not wiggling your tail for narc supply you're just chasing it in circles. I know you have no real bad intentions towards anyone, it's why I don't feel like fighting with you, I'm a dog person. But there's no secret most here are cat people.
Fancy seeing you here.
Well, yeah, I did nothing Skype people could complain about until now. Even avoided the MewMewCuddleKitteh's thread. This matter seems to be closed, so I'm just going to wrap it all up real quick in one of the comments above and slightly below.
First off, in most cases, I've managed to maintain a decent relationship with the people who actually matter. I tend to goof around with others and those who feel particularly butthurt about something I've done and feel like they are relevant to some degree (let's take Haart for example, I truly was displeased with myself), are welcome to pm me with their complaints so we could work it out.
Secondly, I suppose that "letting me in" is a direct reference to the skype group. So, before I was kicked out the second time, news about the likeliness of your doxx reached me and you were notified. You then contacted the person of interest telling "you are way too open in the internet", which managed to put a stop to the whole event, whether it would've happened or not otherwise. You're welcome. Anyway, afterwards I teased the said person a little bit in the group, stating how Ed's doxx would be one of the biggest happenings of SC and so on. Then noted why isn't Jim in the group. It was very clear why he wasn't in the first Skype group, thus I was mostly joking. Nevertheless, perhaps courtesy of it being a distraction, he was brought in. About two minutes later snap we're both gone. Now, while I did keep whining everywhere about the booting, I had ejected myself out of the first group and later had it closed, suggesting FireMeetsIce that it would be fun to invite some random skype contact, who was chattering her up for some reason, to the group. To my knowledge, it resulted in a disappearance of five members who later formed and expanded a new group, ruled with an iron fist. I mean, in the first group people were laughing at the lack of a bulge in JChitty's pants and nobody seemed to mind. It would seem that such a happening would be frowned upon greatly in the new incarnation. So, it is wrong to assume that I am seriously pouty over this, aside of disapproving the hug box attitude of the group. But hey, if the shoe doesn't fit, leave it on the ground. Back to the whining, not long before I got booted, I was referred to as a "drama hound", I think it would fit the previously mentioned act of self expression.
I'll leave the confusion and narc suply parts to your own projections.