Not that it matters any more.
I hear luna's given TC the authority to write the new rules here on SC.
This should be good for a laugh.
Cake stated: source post
I hear luna's given TC the authority to write the new rules here on SC.
This should be good for a laugh.
So bitter~
I technically had that authority just as much in the past as I do now. The trick to keeping this position is doing what's needed for the forum itself.
Indulging everybody who bitches and whines about one teensy vid on a thread about sex, or 5 vids on a thread about some douche wanting to grope his clients and pass it off as a study, while you ignore vids and images on other threads that actually do leave the threads unreadable?
That's what's best for the forum?
Cake stated: source post
5 vids on a thread about some douche wanting to grope his clients and pass it off as a study
Which thread was that? Was there such a thread? Anybody here seen such a thread?
Nope, don't think so.
And you still call yourself 'normal'?
"What i was saying is that it takes an extraordinary level of stupidity to interpret that thread the way you did. "
haha u stupid too timmy
You interpret 80% of the stuff I write in that way.
But unlike you, I correctly read Cad's thread as suggesting unwanted touching of clients.
You saw a request for a light for my cigarette as sexual. Like wtf?
Cake stated: source post
I correctly read Cad's thread as suggesting unwanted touching of clients.