I thought you promised not to moderate spam :D
congrats youre officially too retarded to find the "Reply" button so we may know who you're talking to.Like this I'll just assume youre talking to me because I was the last one who replied.
So, you just called me sugar? My. Fucking. Sides. I knew youre the forum autist but still, that was unexpected.
Cricket stated: source post
I can't see any posts below WW3's "no" comment. lol Thought I would post an update anyway.
I just figured out how to fix this problem. The mod commands are on the bottom of the page, so for a little while it stopped me from being able to access them.
Niniela stated: source post
idk what this thread is supposed to be but lol @ TC and Ed arguring because of nothing. Again. youre basically waiting for a reason to freak out like teenage girls when they have a crush on the same guy, hm? :D
I enjoy that you felt the need to say this in two places to make sure that someone noticed you.
There's some Ed/TC fanfic on this forum if you want to find somewhere to vent that frustration of yours.
congrats youre officially too retarded to find the "Reply" button so we may know who you're talking to.Like this I'll just assume youre talking to me because I was the last one who replied.
it was a rhetorical question lmao
did you seriously not see that?
he was just trying to manipulate you by making you seem guilty by obliging you to respond yet appearing to not even address you directly.
and hint: i know you're not sugar, but responding with such vitriol only makes him feel that much more satisfied. hence the "lol" you got in response