"why did you have to take the MMPI administered by a qualified professional?"
Maybe I volunteered bc you psychos in your infinite... erm... nagging...
convinced me I should do so :D
Yes, wooster. I got in a fight with a stupid girl who assulted me 5 years ago.
And yes some of my exes were hilarious.
What's your point? ADD is not a PD. Its a problem with concentration. Noise filters.
Thanks for posting the links again.
If anybody on SC wants info from a more reliable source than you about what ADD is, you've just given them the means to do so. There is some good stuff on PF about a number of learning disabilities, mental illnesses, organic illnesses, bonding and attachment disorders and so on.
Xena stated: source post
No. I've done the MMPI, the MBTI, several other personality tests, 3 IQ tests and 2 EEGs, all administered by qualified professionals.
I'm PD free, thanks.
why did you have to take the MMPI administered by a qualified professional?
ImNotHer stated: source post
You don't need to spot these fuckers. You need to learn what you're doing that draws them to you. Perhaps it's that you bruise like a little peach. <3
Oh, I'm not that soft and I don't mind the odd bruise, but I can wield a whip too. :) I think I'm too careless with my paperwork. Nonetheless, thanks for the response. I'm open to learning more.
Sugar stated: source post
Xena stated: source post
No. I've done the MMPI, the MBTI, several other personality tests, 3 IQ tests and 2 EEGs, all administered by qualified professionals.
I'm PD free, thanks.
why did you have to take the MMPI administered by a qualified professional?
I took a bunch of tests too by a qualified professional, for shits & giggles - my godmother was a clinical psychologist (of the continental school). The Szondy test (long discredited) was our personal favourite, she laughed her arse off that i consistently picked the convicted murderers' and other psychopaths' mugs as 'like'.
moonshine stated: source post
An overlooked aspect is kid farmed out to (hated) granny / single mother benefit collected / blackmarket cleaning job payment collected / under-the-table paternity payment from kid's daddy collected (as referenced to in various old PF posts, when xena thought "sticking it to teh man" will gather her all the badass points in 'toxic' circles.
I leave fleshing all that out in your capable hands, Shukar.
Of course you do. lol
Making up lies about the decades past histories of internet strangers you'll never meet is what you people do here, right?
It's your way of making up for the love, affection and community ties you psychos will never feel, isn't it?
Sugar stated: source post
i have no way to type in buzz words (floppy willies?)
Eh, it's not rocket science just simple four-letter-words (like 'jizz', 'clit', 'Obsi' 'dick' etc.) added to 'xena' 'psychforums' then the abyss stares back at you.
Then there are the polysyllable words like 'patriarchy', 'kyriarchy', 'privilege', 'rape-apologist' & whatyouhave.
No, it's not worth of the time / effort. Unless you're a pathological work-avoider procrastinator like i am, typing this shit instead of doing something useful.
moonshine stated: source post
Sugar stated: source post
i have no way to type in buzz words (floppy willies?)
Eh, it's not rocket science just simple four-letter-words (like 'jizz', 'clit', 'Obsi' etc.) added to 'xena' 'psychforums' then the abyss stares back at you.
Then there are the polysyllable words like 'patriarchy', 'kyriarchy', 'privilege' & whatyouhave.
No, it's not worth of the time / effort. Unless you're a pathological work-avoider procrastinator like i am, typing this shit instead of doing something useful.
lol. You make this shit up about people to avoid working.
read it carefully, i know you're desperate but it's right there. you were okay continuing the relationship while your mom looked after your daughter but she couldn't so you had to end it because (in your own words) "I wouldn't have that guy or his lifestyle around my baby."
also, physically fighting with your daughter suggests some serious discourse..i mean it's not like you're spanking her when she's 5 lol. you're having fights with your own child..and by your own admission of events you like to get physical with people. at least 2 accounts of you initiating physical violence in front of her as a baby (the guy you maimed when she was 2 and this cokehead you 'pounded' when she was 3) and also provoking a fight with a young girl roughly the same age as your daughter was when she supposedly attacked you.
doesn't take a genius to see you were/are an unfit parent.