This one is for woostie. We all know how much she loves teh fat ladies.
Idk maybe its just me but any sort of touch towards my person without my permission seems like a gross invasion of personal space. However I do see how this work, waiters use it to get better tips all the time. I'm not entirely sure why gender would play a role, do people find women more trustworthy or less intimidating? Expression sells it for me.
Cad that's 35.00 😿 Physical contact and risk taking pdf
Edvard stated: source post
ImNotHer stated: source post
I doubt you'd be any different as Mod. In fact, I'd lay a bet on you being far worse.
I don't disagree with this at all. But I didn't accept the mod position, did I? I was offered it and said no because of lack of time and my temper.
Do you think Turncoat was right to delete the 5 music posts? Was I not right in saying what I said? I remember you being against abuse of mod power.
The rest of your post is an excuse to vent for some reason. I disagree with all that and see a lot of sugary influence in it, but you're free to believe whatever you want.
Wow, sweetie, that kinda read like you think that ‘Her’ is incapable of basic observation, it almost sounds like you think that ‘Her’ can’t form any sort of opinions on her own. Most people usually look at past and current interactions and behaviors before forming an opinion on others and, to me, it looks like ‘Her’s got you checked. Based on past interactions, based on your current desperate, explosive manner that’s seemed to come out of nowhere, I’d have to agree with ‘Her’.
I find it hilarious that you think you’re so important that people would talk about you in PM when all they have to do is look at your posts.
Oh jeez, butterbutt, do you honestly not see how contradictory you are?
"Babe you didn't answer my question."
This one?
"do you honestly not see how contradictory you are?"
That would be the circular how. People don't generally answer rhetorical questions babe.
But my guess would be that the answer is no. A man can't see what you claim to see when you project your contradictions on to him.
We're all contradictory in some way at some time or another. Ed is more consistent than you and most of the others who have responded to this thread.