Motor stated: source post
"you derail nearly every thread. You can't even seem to be able to wait very long to do it."​
I don't think this is really true at all, I mean it's not like she comments that often, right? Although I think this thread may be derailed, I would question whether or not this particular incident was because of Xena, since we have the power to ignore shit she says but you chose to reply at length. All I know is that not only are there lots of threads that aren't derailed by anyone, but there are also plenty that are made knowing full well that they'll degenerate into mindless bickering within 10 comments, those threads practically derail themselves :P
moto, just be honest. all the fighting makes you uncomfortable. that's what this place is here for. you can get used to it or leave, but stop trying to make us all play nice.