It was weird from day one.
For awhile, I came around bc it was like roadkill. I just couldn't look away.
Then I wondered how long a forum like this could possibly last, without a regular supply of new members.
I've been finding it a little boring lately. Maybe bc the weather is nice and rl is more fun right now.
Talk to me again in January when I'm freezing my ass off under a foot of snow. I might tell you this forum is awesome XD
I used to use it as an image/GIF depository, mostly. Until Luna nuked the search function into oblivion.
Nowadays, i tend to use it as one of several random control-groups, gauging the current societal consensus among varying demographics.
Hope that helps.
(In a somewhat less polite way, i completely forgot about this place until i accidentally clicked on an entry titled 'forum5' in the bottom ring of my bookmarks. Been pleasantly surprised that it still exists, with some good content to boot.)
How I used to view and participate in the forum when I first came:
I was genuinely interested in the thoughts of all of the personalities here. I took time out of my day to think about threads/questions to ask these personalities and would go over the responses with interest. It was so fulfilling for me I wasnt in chat until I had well over 1,000 posts.
How I view the forum now:
The personalities are fun, but predictable. The same disagreements come up around the same insecurities. I no longer post indepth threads, instead most of my time is spent conversing and making jokes in chat. The only circumstance I return to my old pastime and go into the threads, is usually to shit post. I don't even bother to argue or debate anymore unless its an intellectual topic of interest or its someone I like and will actually learn something from it.
The only reason im still here is that I enjoy some of the few personalities I can relate with enough that I'm interested in seeing how they develop over time and grow/change.