Haha, welcome BT. Interesting stuff. I am sure the test didn't consider such a complex situation with the firing, but the emotional aspect of it XD
Wonderfully thorough, Ed. :) Honestly, I was curious if you'd keep your word on doing it, so nice to see the trustworthiness.
I don't think your results or answers are too off the mark.
Although firing a loyal worker would generally be more difficult to me than you answered. I've been in that situation many times. I work in human resources and management, by the way. (The irony there doesn't escape me, either.) Of course, reasonable loyalty in the face of no other action that would break that trust seem wiser to me. Better than retraining someone... So, cost/benefit analysis. But no, emotionally it wouldn't be difficult, per se. The question is a bit more esoteric than they pose.
Anyway, I appreciate the objective take, Ed, thanks.
Alright, so a lot of this was from what I've seen from BT and/or remembered him say about himself. He's laid back and funny, very creative/imaginative, pretty consistent, intellectual, has talked about apathy, being a bit narcy, introverted, having schizoid traits...
TBH, I don't fully understand the personality types test yet despite it being around here for years and having been explained to me a few times, lmao, so I wasn't able to just come up with the label for BT from the start. I took the test from his pov and this is what I got:
and since I took it, and the result itself isn't that informative, here are the answers too. That way BT can see where I was wrong and where not
WW3 stated: source post
I did one as UKan. ESTP-A
Doubtful that you'd come close to knowing how.
MewMewCuddleKitteh stated: source post
I took the 16personalities as Dkachu:
I think it adequately expresses his/her general lack of desire to cuddle.
Yes I'm INTP but it doesn't mean I don't want to cuddle you for hours ;-)