I miss Pattaya. Good times... Many Marines shared a similar night, some much crazier... many a little half-jar head brat running amuk around that beach. LOL! None mine, of course.
Turncoat stated: source post
Buttered Toast stated: source post
Hey, Turncoat... You should open up an AMA thread dedicated to those wishing to stick their nose in your business.
That could become this one.
Did I hear something about a stripper?
Sun Puddles stated: source post
I give up. I was looking for your AMA thread but I can't find it. Idk if I hallucinated that whole thing BUT IM DONE WITH THIS MOTHERFLUFFING SEARCH.
That topic was made during the first time Luna banned me. Seeing as I was banned, it was posted on Nabble as opposed to here.
If you ignore "AMA" label, there's been multiple topics made where people felt the need to ask me questions. Searching my username brings up a fair deal of results now.