Message Turncoat in a DM to get moderator attention

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alenas is a fake and nobody likes her real self

WW3 stated: source post

I'm as persistent as shitgar and Turncoat trying to get at Xena.

I would actually say you're more persistent than they are.  But that assessment may be coming from a place of not understanding the appeal.  I guess if you really derive entertainment from this, persistence would not be as much of a factor.

Posts: 10218
alenas is a fake and nobody likes her real self

WW3 stated: source post

as I had a compulsion to confirm TC.


Posts: 10218
alenas is a fake and nobody likes her real self

But I'm nothing special.

Posts: 1581
alenas is a fake and nobody likes her real self

I had been seriously angry at Sugar for a while. UKan, sugar, and you were my role models. i had to learn from you three to make better arguments. it was not until TC called me out for mirroring did I really start to impersonate others. as I had a compulsion to confirm TC.

Posts: 797
alenas is a fake and nobody likes her real self

Dude shut the fuck and realize that the only things people do for you are because they are impressed by you and want your approval. And then get over it and stop acting like such a faggot.

Posts: 10218
alenas is a fake and nobody likes her real self

I don't see any reason to hate it, but I also see no reason to try to gather more of it. The recognition is kind of nice, but I don't really need it.

It just happens.

Posts: 5426
alenas is a fake and nobody likes her real self

Turncoat stated: source post

No seriously, his patterns don't really show a lack of awareness.

It's stilted tongue in cheek practically the whole time, and the weird thing is that it's working to create the drama he's after. His "failures" still get him attention and push the story along, which is why his "frustrations" aren't really evolving like we've seen from others we've poked at. He's not invested beyond the parroting of source material around him, and this has been his game for longer than this phase of it.

Personally, I'm waiting for him to find a newer and more interesting muse.

Yeah, I called it out in the "has WW snapped" thread too. WW is feeding the forum drama in a purposeful calculated manner despite giving the opposite impression.

Posts: 1581
alenas is a fake and nobody likes her real self

bumping this thread

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alenas is a fake and nobody likes her real self


Posts: 2358
alenas is a fake and nobody likes her real self

Chapo stated: source post

Dude shut the fuck and realize that the only things people do for you are because they are impressed by you and want your approval. And then get over it and stop acting like such a faggot.

If this isn't sarcasm...

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