Looks like 3 more words were added to your vocabulary after about 1 year and a half but I'm still not entertained, you are allowed to lick your ego wounds though I guess. I didn't mean to hurt you, just was requesting some verbal abuse. Take care :)
Don't call me "mistress". You haven't earned that privilege. I'll only sexually dominate someone I like and find attractive, which automatically disqualifies you, you repulsive piece of shit.
Go fuck yourself, James. It’s all you’ll ever be good for.
And yet, you don't manage to say anything remotely funny, even when you're butthurt- which we all know is all the time, considering the frequently ass-raped status of your diseased, gaping anus, which you feel compelled to talk about all the time. :P
The only point you've proved is that you enjoy being humiliated, as evidenced by your overt begging for abuse. Shall I remind you that you entitled this thread: "I have a 5-inch penis, pls humiliate me." ?
Besides, 5 inches is way too generous for the likes of you. A 3-inch semi-erect micropenis, engulfed by your belly fat apron, is the best you can aspire to "jab" anyone with, loser.