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Philosophy: About emotions and identity

Posts: 335

Today I asked myself why things I'm reading/watching/seeing for the first time can cause strong emotional responses. What I mean is something like a song I've never listened to before on the radio making me feel sad or happy or a random picture on Google Images making me look at it for 10min. Things that cannot be directly connected to memories. My theory is that I either identify with a person in a story (when talking about books) / the lyrics of a song; that these things can tell me more about myself. Thats why I made this thread: I'll post stuff I found irl or on the internet here that caused a strong emotional response (positive or negative) so that I can have a look at the collection after some time and maybe find out more about myself.

Future posts will include:

  • books (English title / language in which I read it if not English)      
  • songs (with YouTube link and comment if I''m referring to the video, the song or both)    
  • poems (always original language, translation linked if the original is not in English)
  • pictures (either with link or short comment)
  • movies (English title / language in which I watched it if not English)
  • quotes (English translation / original version if not English)




Posts: 335
Philosophy: About emotions and identity

I meant the part that this great site obviously deleted again while refreshing when I was typing. Thanks for pointing it out, you are right. It doesnt make a lot of sense like this.

The part that's missing is that we had a discussion about what identity is in Philosophy class and that I'll use this to understand the topic better. Understanding who I am will help me to understand my concept of identity and thats something I'll need for the next debates. I'll explain it in later posts but unfortunaly do not have the time to give more details right now.


(Edit: Xena, is that you?)

Posts: 335
Philosophy: About emotions and identity

Oh you still have that? Yeah, that was my desktop background for some time and it has quite a lot to do with what I already posted, as you can find the books and the movie I named on it.

Posts: 335
Philosophy: About emotions and identity


  • Brave New World by Aldous Huxley;
  • Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher (read in German)




  • Mondnacht by Joseph von Eichendorff ( Link includes translation and original version) (First check on my bucket list: Pick a poem for your funeral)
  • Kleine Aster by Gottfried Benn (Link includes translation and original version)





  • After The Dark (watched in English and German) (Link includes full movie in English on YouTube)

Posts: 171
Philosophy: About emotions and identity

Erm... I was trying to bite my words back because you're so young and your english is quite good. I understand that it's your second language.

 But I can't hold in my fussiness anymore. There is some kind of almost cringeworthy mistranslating going on in your mind.


What do you think you mean when you use the word philosophy?

Posts: 580
Philosophy: About emotions and identity

OP's desktop background

Posts: 171
Philosophy: About emotions and identity

Yes I'm Xena. :)

I'll let your teachers educate you, then. Philosophy can be tricky. If you learn the wrong slant on the material early on, it can lead to clashes with what later instructors are trying to teach. It took me 2 years and half a dozen classes to get to where my profs wanted me to be.


(They were all religious guys doing Philosophy of Mind. Ugh. Tedious.)

Posts: 3645
Philosophy: About emotions and identity

Yeah. People around here have the same issue. Check out this nearly-6-page thread on the subject of me being critical.

Even when you try to buffer it with courteous language, some people still get offended. 


Posts: 3645
Philosophy: About emotions and identity

Yes. You have to learn how to frame everything properly so you don't cause disruptions. 

My biggest problem in life is my love of colourful dysphemisms  :(

That's not allowed in philosophy classes. You have to be precise and learn to split hairs without offending anybody.

Posts: 335
Philosophy: About emotions and identity

People always get offended when youre telling them they are wrong. I dont know why. Thats really, REALLY annoying in class because the whole point of a debate is having different opinions and talk about it, not getting offended and tell the other one to shut up because you dont share his point of view.

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