I just hope he makes congress miserable by vetoing everything. Cruz would also do great.
WW3 stated: source post
He doesn't have much experience. Some people hate him for his "offensive" AKA noting that Mexicans and blacks are more dangerous than whites on average - that no one dared to say. I'd say that's a good thing.
Why is that a good thing?
I honestly don't think Trumpy deserves to win, because of how he acts and what he's said. But I'm still unclear on what he is planning on doing when he is president. (if he wins)
He can only do so much anyway. Congress will cock block him.
But what is Trump planning on doing as president?
And is it actually a bad thing?
Will he even stay true to what he's said?
It isn't Trump so much as his fan base. The reasons they give for why they endorse him are illogical and reflect the stupidity that plagues so many Americans. I could respect if someone were to argue that since Trump is a successful businessman who also happens to have a degree in Economics, and is accustomed to working with others, then he may be able to use those attributes in office. That is not what most are saying. In fact, I have yet to hear that at all. Instead, they go on about how 'honest' and anti-establishment he is. He is neither. One can still be involved in political circles and interest groups without holding public office. Trump has certainly contributed to the political machine. He is perhaps the least blue collar of any candidate, yet middle class and poor whites see him as the candidate who truly gets them. That level of absurdity is both laughable and able to put someone to tears. It's pathetic. Trump is not an "everyman" new to the political scene. He is not being candid at all. He is being calculated, using a rhetoric he likely doesn't fully believe in himself because he knows it works. He uses impressionistic speech possibly for the same reason he maintains his infamous hair--for power. People react just as they are expected to because they are suggestible and have something about them that makes them more stupid than people who are objectively mentally retarded. It's strange. It isn't Trump's fault, really. But his success represents the impending fall of a once great nation due to the dwindling of independent thinking, and yet he claims he will "make America great again".