It looks like you forgot to dress up in your sock before creating this thread.Now I'm not saying you never meant to talk about yourself in the 3rd person.
I pop in from time to time.
Does it specifically need to be X-Men's Nightcrawler? From which source? Movie? Comic? Or could you mean Excalibur's Nightcrawler? He wasn't always an X-Man.
quit derailing the thread :Pyou're a mod
Pretty sure the alias "Nightcrawler" has been used for figures other than him, so I did that just to be more specific.
quit derailing the thread :Pyou're a mod
What's your point?
Ask WW3 what his point is again, TC.He can have the (ironic) pleasure of guilt by association.
I guess there's that Jake Gyllenhaal movie...
What's your point behind mentioning that I'm a mod?