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Posts: 766

i think you could say the same for most people here. i don't get how i'm different

Posts: 1581

You seem to have a lot of small talk. And you've shown a very random personality - I don't know you very well.

Posts: 766

this is wrong. i've made several topics with serious thought and discussion. i also do have serious discussion in chat frequently.


Posts: 1581

Darn it TC. I really enjoyed talking to you.

Posts: 10218

WW3 stated: source post

Side question #2 (to TC): Why aren't you answering my PMs?

Because it's funny. 

Freyja stated: source post

You've been a bit more open and kinda combative recently. I like it

I typically am open on this forum, but otherwise I go through phases. I'm always around at least as a lurker, but I'm not always invested in what's going on.

Assuming it's not a matter of placebo anyway, I've also been avoiding taking Zinc for a while, so I've been a little more erratic with my behavior. My life at the moment is granting me the room to not need to be quite as controlled.

Posts: 10218

A lot of it was my being busy/tired/formerly finger injured, but the frustration made it into somewhat of a running gag.

Posts: 161

You've been a bit more open and kinda combative recently. I like it

Posts: 10218

So... from this edit I'm guessing it's not because you're wanting to show me that you're online?

Still, keep trying, the joke'll grow old and I'll likely respond more after the fact.

Edit: Either that or you could try just talking about stuff here. I can't imagine there being too much private stuff in mind that you want to discuss with me.

Posts: 1581

I'm guessing you're referring to mine. I am a bit saddened by you ignoring me but it's commonplace for me now. :( About half of my PMs overall actually get answered.

Otherwise my repeated PMs are just because I'm bored.

Posts: 10218

Oh you know.

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