You should have left that up, it was good stuff.
you little delusional twat. half of spatials posts are about him bragging about random "scientific" "facts" that he made up and are total bunk. ed wont look bad and space wont look good when you articulate a spastic defense of him. you just look like a fool. your mouth always bends the truth your delusional way. you said i was legga. you said i was mort. you said tpg was both jim and jason. you said missc was dani. you're nothing but a big joke.
Virus stated: source post
Nothing you wrote here is true... and we will start with... Post Modern. Alia found a photo of me in a news article I didn't even know I was in... seems I have been around and done things. Post found nothing. Raven ripped me harder than all and Ellicit actually tore the meat from the bone. What little you know of what happened is evident here.
Look at you... still here, but hey... that counts for something doesn't it?
Nice try... alter, wow... use a friend next time... or what was the other one? Oh yea... UKAN. Or... your actual account. Coward.
When did this pretty lil black bird rip you so hard? ;p