I think I am having an internal hemorrhage from all this edge
Cops, retards, murder victims, niggers, fat asses, war veterans, weak people, people with limits, anyone effected by 9/11, nuclear bomb victims, vegetables (both the people and the foods), people that don't tip well, the handicapped, sensitive people, anyone who gives a shit about hygiene, people against murder or rape, anyone who thinks child molestation is never okay, people against abortion, people that have anything against sociopaths or any type of mental patient, people that order in small or medium quantities, gun control supporters, people against stem cell research, people with broken bones, depressed people, anyone in an abusive relationship, anyone in a hospital bed, college students, homeless people, anyone who restricts me, anyone associated with a charity, people that worry, pussies, prude bitches, slaves, rape victims, starving faggots, poor people, government workers, cancer patients, people with AIDS, gay people, feminists, vegetarians, people with dead family members, people that think someone is abusing a drug, people that don't speak English, people in debt, people with red hair, the average Mexican, anyone who doesn't think I'm the reincarnation of Jesus, people who lived in India or China, noobfags, anyone that doesn't like me or support my opinions.