leon14 stated: source post
An end cause requires no set method, it is the end and how its achieved is irrelevant.
In theory, is one thing, reality is quite another.
You have Islamic State doing all sorts of horrendous things because the end justifies the means, you have the likes of Sabbateans with their 'redemption through sin' (that includes incest) starting to come out.
That is the problem with Fairy Tales and the nutters that spew weird ass bullshit and the stupid that believe / buy into it.
I suppose that would include people like me as well, you could point your finger and say 'you believe in fairy tales' and I would simply see you as a fool who is unworthy of life.
Cut the crap. You don't get to decide who is "worthy" of life based on their "beliefs" in fairy tales or not. I will look at your fairy tale, and decide for myself whether or not the construct, after scraping away the bullshit, makes any sense.
I start writing about my occult experiences because I see people being sucked in and robbed by fraudsters all the time, I watch TV 'psychics' passing on messages from dead pets, Ive seen ads offering to communicate 'psychic' messages from the cars of people. And all for a hefty price.
Yes, people will latch on to any bullshit. Bizarre as that may be. But that is their choice and stupidity.
Many years ago I came across a voodoo book, read it and found it to be pretty much lacking. So I decided that I should improve the techniques of that book by using astrological influences, planetary influences, talismans, and so on. You take an interest in the spirits and they in return take an interest in you, it does change you. You see everything in shades of grey and you are the only one with colour, the people you encounter are nothing more than cardboard cut outs. You can do anything to them - it doesnt matter.
Maybe Ive seen things from a sociopaths perspective?
Not that I am aware of.
Meh, if youre really interested I wrote an ebook called 'Creed of Assiah' its free on Smashwords
Does it involve caving skulls in of the willingly and terminally stupid? ( which by your definition would include myself )