Saw Cain's thread about 'breaking' people and it made me wonder about 'breaking' specifically sociopaths. What weaknesses do sociopaths have? Is it more or less catering to their desires more so than preying on their faults? How would you go about it? Imagine it's a difficult trap to set, given the person you are manipulating may be well versed in the game you are playing.
I love how the wannabe sociopaths replied with "lol no u cant do that" to maintain their fragile sense of invincibility and infallibility intact. I'd imagine that a sociopaths weaknesses aren't as easy to spot as the ones of an empath but judging by their drive for power superiority and acclaim driving the idea that they lack all of these in their heads I'd imagine to be the recipe for leaving them a depressed suicidal mess. You could also use their sense of entitlement to bring a sense of victimization and of being under appreciated by giving things (goods, status, privileges, attention, favors) that they want for themselves and feel they deserve to someone who they feel deserves less and is beneath them. There was actually a very sweet thread on psychforums Antisocial Personality section where funnily "Demon" lashed out to similar suggestions on how to break a sociopath. Just look up "how to break a sociopath psychforums" on Google.
although i think we need to be clearer about what is meant by 'breaking' someone, i would say control is the key here. also, the element of surprise would be a big factor in usurping said control. i think this because often, people genuinely believe me to be innocent or timid and seem shocked when they realize i am far from either of these things. what follows in more narcissistic types is a desperate attempt at regaining the upper hand but this means having to abort current plans of action and improvise. of course at this point it's easier for me to go back and forth between timid and intimidating because the intial first impression has essentially gaslit them and they are thus unsure of their perceptions in relation to me.