Xena stated: source post
I don't consider my first sexual experience molestation, thanks.
14 years old and I came my fuckin face off.
Is that better?
What was he like, and how much older than you was he (assuming you mean that sort of molestation definition)?
Also, I thought the first sexual encounter for most women was supposed to be awful. Did you ride horses or masturbate furiously prior?
And no, my 16 yo son does not have sex. My 23 yo daughter was a virgin till she was 19. She's been with one man (her fiancee) ever since. She has only recently begun experimenting with alternative lifestyles within the framework of her loving relationship.
That's fine and all, but how would you have responded to age 14 sex from your kids? Most people tend to have an easier time framing it as alright for themselves, but once it becomes about their kids parents throw around all sorts of contradictions.
You wish it were smthg awful. lol
Yeah... I think I basically just said that. It'd likely make for a better story.
Xena stated: source post
Nah. Just Turncoat, and everybody he's got parroting him calling me Judas :P
So... you think I started the Judas thing?
I don't really see myself as much of a Ring Leader. I just like to watch ripples in the pond.
He tries, anyway. He's not very good at hurting teh ladeez, tho.
I'm in this for the entertainment. How much it does or doesn't hurt you only matters as much as it allows for yuks.