As far as your atrocious grammar, it just makes you look like a total idiot. You probably are a total idiot. Sociopathy cannot be considered seriously if the subject is still a teenager. Almost all teenagers are sociopath-like at one point or another.
I have felt different for a very long time now. Since I was a little girl about age 6 or 7.
Do you know what it's like to be alienated all the time? Do you know what it's like to have been on the outside of the box looking in? Do you know what it's like to be alone when you are surrounded by hundreds of people?
Where all humans, yet truthfully, what I consider "normal" people, are the most foolish type. When I look at them I feel like a lion. "look at those little gazelles,busy with their gazelle shit" which turns into something along the lines of "haha let's see what I can get away with" Do you know what happens to gazelles in the wild? They get eaten alive.
I honestly think "normal" people are the slime of the earth. I mean, they will talk a little shit and crack a couple jokes about us being different, then come crawling to us on their knees.
Where extraordinary! That's why "the normals" want us! We have a little bit of something that each and very one of em is dying to have. Silly, silly gazelles.
I don't have good genes, and I didn't have a good upbringing. But if, in fact, you understand this, you probably feel the same way I do. If not, well, remember. Gazelles get eaten alive when they're not paying attention.
P.S I know the trolls love acting like grammar police. Do what you want trolls. It just goes to show how petty you act.
whoa there david attenborough
" Do you know what it's like to be alienated all the time? Do you know what it's like to have been on the outside of the box looking in? Do you know what it's like to be alone when you are surrounded by hundreds of people?"
as for that bit, every human on earth has felt that way at some point or another. except the ones that are currently babies, but give them time and theyll feel it too eventually. its a pretty universal experiencce and it doesnt divide us into two completely different species
Making a rant about the gazelles seems to indicate that those gazelles have munched on you instead of vice versa, therefore obtaining the position of the lion. You feeling "different" and "alienated" supports that claim. It seems to me that you are feeling a strong need for belonging, as reflected by your "Where extraordinary! That's why "the normals" want us! We have a little bit of something that each and very one of em is dying to have. Silly, silly gazelles.". The whole post makes you seem rather obnoxious and cocky, making it easier to understand why you are alienated. What is more, Sociopathy is not a joke and you should be above 18 to even consider it. Best of luck changing yourself for the better.