It's peculiar how you perceive my posture as condescending and patronizing while everyone else perceives it as playful and flirty, it's embarassing even having to explain this but by "chubby feminine sissy boy" I was referring to you, and the possible reasons for you not picking on that (that come to my mind) is either you have issues deciphering pragmatics (common in the borderlines I met) or you see yourself as some skinny luscious girl without the feminine penis lol. The world isn't out to get you and I can confirm at least on my side that we don't look down on you as much as you seem to think we do, you need to relax and believe in yourself. That inferiority complex needs to go. Muah from daddy
Ok, part one- Flirting? Maybe it's because I never learned how to flirt properly, but I don't read "How can I gain cool sociopath alpha male points?"
as a response to a comment based around manipulation as "flirting". I saw that and read it as you mocking my advice to OP. Can you explain where I got confused?
I'm not being defensive, either. Whenever you respond to my comments or posts, it's always in a sarcastic, superior tone. I've never personally offended you (to my knowledge) so the only reason I could understand for your inexplicable tone was that I must be setting you off somehow. This site has an undertone just short of being nothing but one big cock-measuring contest of "Who's the Most Sociopathic?", and so naturally, I come here aware that everything I say will be taken in that context whether I intend it or not. =T shrug
What about my response sounded defensive?
Then you're SOL because chubby feminine sissy boys don't have their own money, they're kept men like me. Also, "Alpha Male" philosophy is ridiculously limited in both understanding of human behavior and use. It would be like telling all women that the path to success is to become Kim Kardashian, not everyone is suited to that method, and the error lies not in the method itself, but in assuming that it is the only method by which a person can achieve those results. People are varied enough that anyone can game the system, they just have to tweak their approach and adjust their expectations according to their input.
As an aside... Tsk. Always so passive-aggressive. I'm sorry my ease with discussion of certain topics always manages to intimidate (or whatever's going on) you into a flurry of reverse-psychological posturing. It's not my intent, man. I find you pretty amusing, we could be friends. For what it's worth, let me state explicitly that I'm not trying to compare myself to you or anyone else, I don't care about cool points (not never, but certainly not in this context) because they have no value or benefit. I'm just talking about what I know in a place where I don't have to be nagged about how much of "a bad person" I am for thinking this way.
One thing I've learned is not to project your own ability to read people on to others... but better to solve this at your inner belief level.
Also unsure about most of this advice, I think great manipulation comes from a non-manipulative mindset, ironically.
You gotta be able to manipulate yourself, before you can manipulate others.
I can see how one might get that impression.
I was offering fringe people as a starter because this person gave the impression of not having manipulated people before, and fringe people have money as green as mainstream ones.
Also, I must admit that I have something of a personal preference for "fringe people". I find followers of the mainstream to be (this is only speaking generally) lacking in independent thought and creativity, and so find people on the fringes to be more interesting, and more my taste.
I don't understand the self-degradation charge, where did I imply self-degradation, can you point it out? Admittedly, I personally happen to enjoy degradation in a sexual sense, so it is not impossible that that has influenced my manipulation style or other things. I'm a bit of a sex addict so sexual things have a tendency of bleeding into other areas of life for me. I didn't realize this had happened while I was writing, though. Fascinating.
How I go about conning someone? Oh it's been an age... I've been happily kept by one female for some years now and only peripherally string along another. To start? Usually I don't plan anything, I'm too lazy for that and the comfort with my main one hasn't necessitated any extra efforts. Keeping this in mind, please excuse if I leave something out.
Uh.. so generally my "method" is to cast a wide net, basically, I make myself as broadly likeable as possible and only bother to focus on people who show themselves as "givers" (I did say I was lazy, though I prefer to think of it as "wisely reserving energy" there are of course much more "intensive" methods).
As a matter of course I project a very likeable personality (IRL, obviously not online), I am short to temper, easy-going, impossible to offend and I can change my style of communique to suit the room (I have an enormous vocabulary and knowledge of types of cultures- one of the reasons that my unvarished speech is so fuck-all bizarre and reminiscent of Aspergers- so I can "pass" among many varied groups of people.) and am easily comfortable speaking to all types of people.
I'm short and fat so that is instantly disabling to their defenses. I'm clearly no threat and because the human mind is so visually-based a physical lack of threat correlates in the mind to "safe", so right off the bat people are less likely to assume or distrust me, my words or my intentions. I don't make controversial statements (relative to the group I'm with) or anything of that nature that would set me apart or be offensive to anyone.
I'm like a Wal*Mart t shirt, made to fit everybody.
Until I see that you're the type of person who is liberal with their money, or the type to go on vacations often, etc. Then I will become the most attentive person you have ever known in your life (within rational limits, of course, because seeming too interested gives the wrong vibe entirely.) and we'll suddenly start to have the most amazing things in common. A shoulder to lean on, a sympathetic ear, an understanding mind. I am also very generous and loan out money and items freely to people. I know a lot about many different topics and can hold a conversation about anything you like, but I'm not condescending about it. I notice and appreciate the little flaws and differences in people. I am a handyman, an animal lover, I'm great with kids. I'm jovial, kind, compassionate, understanding, caring, genuine and honest. In short, I'm a fucking amazing guy. And, the more I learn about them, the more I learn about who went wrong before me, the more I become Mr. Right.
It might sound like a lot, but honestly, half of that is automatic for a Borderline. The other half is pittance to the return.
When I'm done, I simply stop the farce, start showing them my true self and they scuttle away, both of us thinking ourselves better off without the other, and both of us right. ;)
Right now I'm actually in the stage of severing a tie because one of their personality quirks has become tiring, and it has gone to the point where the return isn't worth the maintenance, but I'm ending it in such a way that, we'll still be friends, and I can re-tap the resource if things change.