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Posts: 415
Judas (Formerly known as Xena) makes a REALLY FUNNY joke (Try not to lol)

i've been meaning to freshen my memory on keyboard controls, been wondering for a little while how to zoom (but obvs not wondering hard enough to check myself)

Posts: 3645
Judas (Formerly known as Xena) makes a REALLY FUNNY joke (Try not to lol)

Possum was on skype with me for a few months. She knows how to translate my chat posts; slow typing, bad edits, weird abbreviations and all.

The thread posts are where the good stuff is anyway, possum.

It's all just repeating what was said in chat.

Posts: 10218
Judas (Formerly known as Xena) makes a REALLY FUNNY joke (Try not to lol)

If you right click them and go to "View Image", they can be seen at a larger size. If it's still too small, pressing ctrl and = can make it even larger.

It's worth the read if you ask me, but I am a tad biased.

Posts: 3645
Judas (Formerly known as Xena) makes a REALLY FUNNY joke (Try not to lol)


I'm WAY better at mimic-mocking than you and Crow put together, then.


Posts: 360
Judas (Formerly known as Xena) makes a REALLY FUNNY joke (Try not to lol)

Am I too stupid to comprehend whats going on or did Xena accuse Tryp in chat of something, then say the accusation was a joke, while also in chat, then in the this thread, say that the joke was ACTUALLY, her not taking his (from what I gathered fake) accusation (that she made up as a joke) seriously and laughing at him? I feel like I'm not making a lot of sense right now, but if not, at least it goes with the theme of the thread so there is that. 

Posts: 415
Judas (Formerly known as Xena) makes a REALLY FUNNY joke (Try not to lol)

too long and too tiny for me to read, sry caddy

Posts: 10218
Judas (Formerly known as Xena) makes a REALLY FUNNY joke (Try not to lol)

Xena thinks she's half-responsible for the increase in traffic. Another example of how it's always about her.

Posts: 3645
Judas (Formerly known as Xena) makes a REALLY FUNNY joke (Try not to lol)

Um... yeah.

On a forum that's this dead, I make up one seventh of the traffic here.

By saying the right things, I can turn close to half the convos going on here into topics about me.

Pull your head outta your ass and do your homework on how low populations change social dynamics already.


Posts: 10218
Judas (Formerly known as Xena) makes a REALLY FUNNY joke (Try not to lol)

We also had traffic from Dex/Luna drama, Kiwi shinanigans, Ed flipping out, Haart's farewell topic, 3xp's murder, and a series of other events.

It's actually been a fairly eventful time for the forum.

By saying the right things, I can turn close to half the convos going on here into topics about me.

The real question right now is closer to why.

Posts: 3645
Judas (Formerly known as Xena) makes a REALLY FUNNY joke (Try not to lol)

It would make a lot more sense if Tryp would just

a) occasionally stay sober enough to remember the things he says

or b) stop lying  about the things he said.

My guess would be that  he was just too drunk or high to remember.


And for the third time, it's not an accusation if the described action is funny. I'm not accusing  Tryp anymore than I'm accusing  Jackie Chan when I say he's funny, angee.


Does laughter make you people angry or smthg? Is that one of the indicators of sociopathy?

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