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Dexter's Lolcow Entry

Posts: 10218

So I'm sure many of you have seen the Lolcow entry on Dex, but in case you haven't:

On top of that, I saw this sitting in my Kiwi inbox today:

There's also their topic on it, but there's not really much going on there right now.

Naturally I've been on board with helping since before I was even sent this message, but it seems that most of his older posts have been replaced with dot posts that link to Youtube videos. I'll keep hunting for more, but if any of you have anything you've been holding onto this is your chance to have it posted onto the Lolcow Wiki.

Posts: 10218
Dexter's Lolcow Entry

He can be somewhat entertaining at arm's distance. Most of what makes him not entertaining at this point is the repetition of older themes, like some sort of one trick pony. Seeing him on websites that aren't this one (as skannerz22) can be fun from it offering some differences from the norm.

He has had an internet history of cringe and fail that's hard to forget, so he seems like a fine choice for a lolcow to me. Here's the Kiwi topic on him, but there's also some in the "ow the edge" topic as well as him having spread to a few others, like when he tried to get Kiwi to turn on us after Michael banned him.

Hilariously, Kiwi finding his Twitter account has spurred him into making it private. He seems to be excited about the Deadpool movie.

Posts: 420
Dexter's Lolcow Entry

"He can be somewhat entertaining at arm's distance."

Maybe, I guess it's subjective. I'm not super amused, be it by images of his quarrels on other forums or his Twitter or what have you.

"Most of what makes him not entertaining at this point is the repetition of older themes, like some sort of one trick pony."

True that. How a person can muster the mustard to say one more time what has been said thousands of times is beyond me. And that doesn't just apply to Dexter.

"He has had an internet history of cringe and fail that's hard to forget,"

It must be my empathy that keeps me from pointing and laughing. When see this level of cringe, I don't laugh. I cringe. It's partially me cringing at it, and partially me cringing vicariously from it. 

Posts: 420
Dexter's Lolcow Entry

I'm amazed people have the energy to make all this...stuff... Was Dexter really all that funny? I I read the article and I'm looking at some of the images linked on the wiki, and it really doesn't seem worth the effort of making, he's just not a very good 'lolcow'. 

Posts: 2358
Dexter's Lolcow Entry

"Josh vs. the World of Warcraft forums" ...BWAHAHAHA

Posts: 2658
Dexter's Lolcow Entry

It is as explosive and interesting their lives get, making articles on weird people over the Internet.

Posts: 2358
Dexter's Lolcow Entry

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