Her not being able to do anything about you having your way. Now your logic makes your actions feel rational.
She'll continue to survive, bro.
No. There are many ways in which a man may be raped, and a woman may rape that do not fit under your narrow definition.
A woman can easily make a male achieve an erection without his consent- our biology all but guarantees an erection at the least provocation.
On top of that, there are the psychological manipulations that can be strong enough to compensate easily for any physical difference. In most societies, men's value is judged primarily by two things: his virility and his usefulness to others, particularly women and children. A man is expected to be up for any sexual situation, at any moment, or he is seen as inferior, he is seen as impotent, as less than. Add an age or power disparity to this where the male is subordinate, or younger -or even under age, and the issues are compounded exponentially.
Also, your supposition ignores completely the one place on this planet where "rape culture" is a very real thing and not just a retarded Feminist delusion: Prison.
Women can -and DO- rape, and men can be -and ARE- raped, every single day.
EDIT: I am reasonably certain that forcible internal (either vaginal or anal) stimulation either manually, or with a foreign object in place of a penis, quite easily qualifies as rape more than molestation, which makes the number of rapes that do not fit your definition even larger, and also includes female-on-female rape.
Granted, all external manipulation, that is, cunnilingus/analingus/fellatio, groping, frottage, jacking a man off, clitoral/labial/external anal stimulation definitely falls under "molestation", but once true insertion takes place, whether vaginal, anal or penile (the victim' penis being inserted vaginally/anally), then it has crossed a very clear line- bodily integrity has been "breached" as it were, and since that is the greatest source of the trauma (well... ... ... ignoring my pet theory about the trauma of rape being more pycho-social than physical, but I digress...), therefore, I believe the method by which this is achieved is much less consequential. It doesn't matter that it's a woman sitting on a man's penis or a woman being penetrated with a strap-on by her roommate, the psychological trauma is the same as "conventional" perpetrator's-penis-in-victim'-vagina rape (which is a point in favor of my pet theory, but again, I digress), so it should be counted the same.
The crime is the trauma, not the act, so the line where the trauma lies is the one upon which the act should be defined, imho.