Xena stated: source post
rolls eyes
Crow's point is that many many people who have left forums with lengthy goodbyes are really just narcy twats who want to test the waters or be missed or blah blah and then make a BIG! COMEBACK! thread in 3 months.
But the speech is a cliche in these parts. Crow knows it. Everybody knows it.
What Crow wants to do is drop hints until somebody else makes the accusation. Then the shitstorm will fall on that other person while Crow and TC milk the convo for dx to throw at the participants, which will result in umpteen threads to liven up this place. Blah blah blah.
Unfortunately for our shitstirring mod and his manipulative gf, the standard script doesn't fit haart, either.
She's not one of those narcy people.
If her intentions with this thread are less than 100% sincere, my guess would be that she doesn't want you lot following her to wherever she's going, trying to dox her colleagues or make Judas threads and fat jokes about her, or w/e the fuck else you assholes do when somebody leaves your precious forum.
The first part is partially correct. Everything on this site should be taken with a grain of salt. Though I was suspicious more from her choice of wording and the particular nature of her goodbye monologue, than the context.
As for us "dropping hints" so that others will raise accusations, I feel I was pretty straightforward from the beginning:
TheCrowOnTheFence stated: source post
That list. ahahahahahahahaha Haart, you bullshitter. XD