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On the topic of Luna restoring her executive powers here on SC

Posts: 2658

pulls little sugar's teen tanktop cleavage down and takes a peek

Posts: 3
On the topic of Luna restoring her executive powers here on SC

Posts: 3
On the topic of Luna restoring her executive powers here on SC


Posts: 1201
On the topic of Luna restoring her executive powers here on SC

i think leave it unless the picture crosses the line into sexually suggestive, like an outfit lol

Posts: 1386
On the topic of Luna restoring her executive powers here on SC

Your going to have to go on your gut instinct on that one lol

Posts: 10218
On the topic of Luna restoring her executive powers here on SC

Well, it's technically not child porn, right?

Where should the line be drawn for it?

Posts: 3882
On the topic of Luna restoring her executive powers here on SC

tsar bomba stated: source post

i see you like 3 6 mafia


 i do too

Got any favorites? I find it hard to tell which I like better, their satanic/school shooter songs or chill tracks. I'll just pick my favorite of each


Posts: 696
On the topic of Luna restoring her executive powers here on SC

Look, I know it's not child porn. I know that, in most contexts, it would be a perfectly innocent picture.

This is not most contexts. I don't feel comfortable with pictures like this on the forum. One can be disregarded. Dozens of the same sort of thing cannot, for me.

If this is permissible, I certainly don't question or blame any of you. However, I can't continue to frequent a site that jeopardises my professional integrity  (on too grand a scale).

It might seem ridiculous to you. Great, don't care. It's my job, and believe it or not, a "sociopath community" is not as bad as a "sociopath community" with openly paedophilic discussion AND otherwise innocent pictures of youths.

Yeah, maybe my argument is just "I don't feel comfortable". Maybe you consider that a bit weak. Don't care. I'll go if this sort of thing is permitted to stay.

Posts: 380
On the topic of Luna restoring her executive powers here on SC

CP has been posted before, how easy would it be to post cp again, have it removed and then report the pages and redirect to this thread?  This picture came from here and maybe the comments are made in a joking manner but there's still a very creepy vibe about it. 

If flagged enough would this post be taken down or would it be left up because 'technically' not CP?

Posts: 696
On the topic of Luna restoring her executive powers here on SC

So I suppose what I'm expecting is explicit approval of this material.

(Doesn't violate the rule etc etc).

That's all fine by me, but being my theatrical self, I'll want to post a goodbye :P

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