Message Turncoat in a DM to get moderator attention

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6 posts Security Breach

Posts: 40

I can confirm ; letter is definitely legit.

Posts: 162 Security Breach

looks legit

Posts: 1319 Security Breach


Why the hell would he express his hate for the community (kiwi) and love of cp casually while emailing about something totally unrelated. 

You got way too greedy trying to push too much bullshit into one email.

Posts: 7 Security Breach

There are a bunch of us who don't like the leader of, Null, who is also known for ripping off the entirety of 8chan and thereby painting a big fucking red target on his back. Over the last week or so I revealed the locations of new hosts as they kept moving and trying to hide behind Cloudflare. I pointed out that they are not hosted in Kabul but by Michael Sulsenti (Drybones5) boss of 'Leviathan' hosting. His is renting IPs from Versaweb's Vegas operation. Versaweb are the guys who used to host racist site Chimpout.

It now appears that enterprising hackers have credibly claimed to have hacked the mail server. There is some gold in there, which they intend to release a dribble at a time. Here is the first juicy morsel of lulz. Looks like Null is hording data on users to blackmail them in order to fund his new lifestyle in his third world retreat:

Null busted planning to blackmail Kiwis

Michael Sulsenti can be contacted at [email protected]. Versaweb has a very small team. The big bosses are Rob Tyree and Don Reed. I will leave my enterprising sociopath friends to dig out their personal emails for themselves, but >>> [email protected].


Posts: 580 Security Breach

I will be eagerly awaiting more leaks

Posts: 2485 Security Breach

Looks like someone has a personal vendetta against Null and is using the recent drama to instigate an attack against him.

I seriously doubt that letter is legit.

If there really were some 'enterprising hackers' involved in this, then why are you bringing this to our attention with the obvious intent of seeking our help, instead of dealing with him personally.

What do you ultimately hope to achieve from all of this? You want to fuck Null over, I get that, but what do you want to see happen to him before all of this ends?

6 posts
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