Message Turncoat in a DM to get moderator attention

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No one. Plz.

20 autistics, 4 sociopaths, several borderlines and narcs and about 10 people who are really pissed off at luna are the entire past present and future of teh interwebz. Yeah right~

If luna wants do do smthg else and let you people walk, then good for her.

If I like the new forum I'll stay, if I don't, I'll find other things to do. And they WON'T involve that retarded KFC thing, or trolling the web or looking at porn.

I'm fine with rules if the content is good. You kids and your spam attachments are so silly.

Posts: 20
Renaming this place

Afraid not. Beyond my capabilities. Ask your dear leader luna to educate you since i have failed.




































Posts: 948
Renaming this place

Give up Luna you come up with these crazy new ideas only for them to fall flat on their face

find a new hobby in which people won't have to be the target of your bitchfits and where you can actually do something productive for once

crack baby

Posts: 3
Renaming this place
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Posts: 631
Renaming this place

My, aren't you clever. You know how to spell "whore" "dick" and "black"

Can you post a picture of a whore eating a black dick, so mamma Cake knows that you fully understand the concept?


Posts: 3
Renaming this place

were are the only non-drama related content left. deal with it

Posts: 2358
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...I had worse names in mind, but they'd probably be funny only to me.

Posts: 2
Renaming this place

TPG stated: source post

Give up Luna you come up with these crazy new ideas only for them to fall flat on their face

find a new hobby in which people won't have to be the target of your bitchfits and where you can actually do something productive for once

crack baby


Posts: 4
Renaming this place

I will be loyal to you no matter what Luna I think you're a really good coder and also really very pretty.

Posts: 1
Renaming this place

I've looked around here and I really don't see much of anything that typical moderation wouldn't accept. I see worse on KF evveryday.

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