Luna banned Sugar, Alena, Fire amongst others in the latest narcissistic meltdown. An unnamed source from the CoH can now reveal, that this little bitch is gonna regret these actions. We can also report that Angee resigned as moderator not long after this happened. The truth is, no one gives a fuck about you, you little entitled dumb fuck bitch. Fuck you and your shitty website, your brother is obviously not that good at coding either mm? Fuck you bitch and your gaping asshole of a face :P
Luna said she bans only people who do not want to be here
She banned me and yet i never said anything about not wanting to be here.
The only direction this is going is faggot town, weakness and pathetic pandering of fragile narc ego.
Because its 2016.
May weakness rule and bubbles form. You will go nowhere big in life.
Luna is a retarded little cunt who has built her ego around a certain something with a certain immediate relative having totally not been wrong and disgusting so she is incapable of maturing past this point. Like many young dumb fuck narcs, she lacks the ability to think on any other level than her crack baby brain will allow. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I do not think it should be legal to fuck children.
You think people should be sheltered on this site from reality.
May weakness rule! I will survive poison and daggers up my butt, because fuck it. You will fail at the slightest real confrontation. Because you are pathetic.
David stated: source post
Luna banned Sugar, Alena, Fire amongst others in the latest narcissistic meltdown.
lol. Is that for real?
That's amusing as fuck if it is.