Message Turncoat in a DM to get moderator attention

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Posts: 155
Cricket's last warning

"But as soon as one fires and the other fires back out of fear.

If you think I ever make a reaction out of fear,  you know me even less I thought."

I mean I fire out of fear. The last thing I want is to dox you. You'd dox me because it might have made you angry and you'd think i'd need to be dealt with.

Posts: 155
Cricket's last warning

That is what I hoped for.

I will put down my defences when I feel safe enough to not be threatened by cricket.

[7:13:19 AM] Cricket von Chirp: And if I get doxxed...
[7:13:25 AM] Cricket von Chirp: I'm doxxing back...
[7:13:33 AM] Cricket von Chirp: I'm calling schools and parents

She still thinks I doxxed her first.

I fear she will dox me as soon as a puppet or another person doxxes her.

Posts: 155
Cricket's last warning

I read court cases, because I have always been interested in law. IT, languages and just about every kind of science is not the only thing i'm interested in.


Posts: 380
Cricket's last warning

You misunderstood.

I asked if you have ever been on a helicopter.

Posts: 696
Cricket's last warning

She's not going to dox you. She said that. She was leaving before you posted this.

I suggest you do the same. Cease and desist, Smith.

The cold war is over.

Posts: 442
Cricket's last warning

It was confusing with the winky face after directly asking about my dick size for the 50th god damn time

Posts: 1121
Cricket's last warning

"(the one who got rid of your dox)"

pffft  No you didn't.  Lying again so soon, Reece?

Posts: 155
Cricket's last warning

I was the one that asked Turncoat to remove it for Cricket. I told cricket about it. I even had to convince Turncoat that this was crickets dox and it needed to be removed.. Might not have been removed for another day if it wasn't for me

Posts: 380
Cricket's last warning

How do you feel about marshmallows, dramaforce?

Posts: 2216
Cricket's last warning

Is it not possible that your private interaction could have been, breached, and the hacker is the one who shared the image ?

I swear I'm the only one who can see the confusion in both parties.


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