i already contacted them before they moved there
Why are you doing this, dex? Why can't you just let it go and let them have their forum?
You started this all because you were banned. If anybody else here got banned they wouldn't be crying about it like you are. How much of a stupid, autistic tantrum do you need to keep throwing...
Hey there sexy sociopaths! Just a heads up from a non-sociopathic well-wisher. Null / Joshua Moon was lying when he said the Kiwi Farms had moved to EDIS. They have actually moved to Gandi.net . At least one of their servers is at, which is its real address. Perhaps Dexter should get in touch with them?
"We all know what dex is doing is pointless"
That is precisely why I asked why he keeps doing this.
He wants the entire forum down simply because they refuse to accept him. How stupid is that.
He says he's not mad, but what he's doing proves how butthurt he really is, and idiots here are patting him on the back for it, lol.
Well, its the most exciting thing that has happened at SC in ages. So..there is that silver lining. Dex has proven to be tenacious. Which is better than apathetic , dull , boring , whining about how much he "hates" society.
KF could control Reaper...but Dex is a different animal :)