3xpress because he's in jail and I think his daddy diddled him. Aside from the murder thing he was an okay worm.Your turn Ed.
Ed I know you hate me but, adding me in the list of people to fuck Alena, cmon man, have some mercy :D
Absolutely had to fuck one of the following, who would it be and why?TurncoatOrangeReaper Please answer as to why you chose that person over the other two. Thank you
You have some stiff competition there Jim. I hope you win
I'll answer if you answer who you'd bone from: Jim, Dex, Express, TonyOh and why
Ok, does oral sex count as fucking in your q?Ok, I'll say it counts. A blowjob from TC seems better than the alternatives. It would have been blowjob from TK before I got to read that... thing with TK, cheese and drool.
"A blowjob from TC seems better than the alternatives."Aww thanks~