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Alternate Purpose of Life

Posts: 10218

That still falls into self interests.

Without self-bias, why would we desire to do anything?

Posts: 88
Alternate Purpose of Life

How do you relate nihilism to entropy?

Posts: 3882
Alternate Purpose of Life

If you had to choose a purpose of life, a reason to live for outside of self interests, what would it be

Posts: 3882
Alternate Purpose of Life

For me it'd be all about curiosity and exploring unknowns as well as advocating order to do so. So I'd be a militant member of a group aiming to unify the human race to discover life's myseries

Posts: 31
Alternate Purpose of Life

My current goal is to explore philosophy to its limits. I've been particularly interested in reincarnation, pantheism vs solipsism, narcissism nihilism entropy (all the same thing, imo), infinite regress, possible worlds & philosophical frameworks lately.

Posts: 3882
Alternate Purpose of Life

"That'd only be possible if the reason to live was being forcibly assigned to you from someone else."

True, but it's interesting enough to see what people's interests of life are outside of themselves. If one day we escape being shackled by self bias, it'd be great to know what and why people aspire to do certain things. 

 People throughout time have show more inclination to work harder for a cause greater than themselves. I like to take religion, nationalism and the plethora of great sacrifices through time before this(war) as an example. I think that's where our maximum potential as a species lies.

Posts: 10218
Alternate Purpose of Life

"a reason to live for outside of self interests"
That'd only be possible if the reason to live was being forcibly assigned to you from someone else, like a slave.

Posts: 10218
Alternate Purpose of Life

For the sake of something capable of thinking, that's the self-destruction of one's drive, inertia.

We'd die.

Posts: 3882
Alternate Purpose of Life

"do you idolize the idea of us being mentally on par with a blade of grass"

being able to shed self bias is no easy task

Posts: 10218
Alternate Purpose of Life

That is still about the self. you idolize the idea of us being mentally on par with a blade of grass?

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