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My Bio on Encyclopedia Dramatica
ichverbot (Joshua Moon; the other known aliases are Null, IbanZ) - former Kiwi Farms admin, pedophile, self-proclaimed lolcow, internet tough guy, web developer, high school dropout, wannabe serial rapist.
Josh Moon first came to attention when he offered to co-admin the CWCki Forums (now Kiwi Farms, giving out his email and doxxing himself in the process. Infamy followed when users quickly noticed that Josh could be easily baited into responding in emotionally charged and humorous ways. Eventually he was put under investigation where his embarrassing internet history was exposed for all to see.
Epic Life Story
Born in the United States, Josh started a pattern of failure which continues to this day when he failed to complete high school. At age 18 Josh fled to Australia to start work for an internet business and lasted an entire four years before quitting because his job was getting in the way of his life's true mission - administrating a forum of children and retards.
In 2015 Josh fled to the Philippines, having conned Fredrick "HotWheels" Brennan into paying him to code the Infinity software upgrades for 8chan. Unfortunately Josh wildly over promised features well beyond his limited coding capabilities, and fell behind schedule within in the first month. When Josh attempted to actually migrate 8chan to his new shitty codebase, it utterly failed because he didn't think he needed to test his new shiny code on an actual production sized dataset, like a shitty junior developer learns on the first day. So copypastethe generous 8chan community just spent 12 grand on something that doesn't even work for his needs, gg.
Apparently he made quite a name for himself on the forums for Blockland, which is kind of like Minecraft with Lego men. There's a 121-page thread about his antics.
Some choice quotes by Joshua/Null:
(8:11 AM) Joshua: Alright, [[Dicking|time to]] jerk off to some [[Kittens|neko shota]]. (8:11 AM) Joshua: Yeah, I'm fucked up. I know :( (8:15 AM) Joshua: I drench my sorrows in masturbation so often that it becomes too hard to get off to heterosexual intercoruse for the sole purpose of reproduction. 4:52 AM - Joshua: I swear to god I want to kill and rape as many people as I can 4:52 AM - Joshua: before getting [[Raep|gunned down]] by SWAT 4:52 AM - Joshua: That needs to be my life [[Aspierations|aspiration]] 4:52 AM - Joshua: You stupid fucking cunts need to suffer 4:52 AM - Joshua: All living things with a vagina