Ok, so this place went on fine without any cp for years and years. One dumbass posts some pics the other day, pics get deleted in half an hour, and now people are willing to sacrifice the "minimum intervention" policy here along with the equality of members. Those things determine most of our interaction here and make us different from the moderated assholes and mod ass kissers from places like pf. The only one risking jail time is the shithead posting dirty shit, not people unwillingly clicking on it.
Turncoat and Luna can delete anything of that sort within hours, imo. There are about 5-6 people here who have Turncoat's personal phone number, and a few more who have the personal phone numbers of people who have Turn's personal phone number, so he's very easily reached. We don't need more mods to add drama to this place, and make it more artificial. This place is beautiful simple and raw, which it won't be when we have narcs and drama queens as mods.
I think we should at least wait a couple of weeks before anything is decided, to see if more spam appears and how Turn performs. Elect no new mods. Say no to digital magic wands in the sociopath-community jungle.
Current Members: Edvard, Inquirer, Turncoat, Systematic, Cute Kitten, CrowOnTheFence, Motor, Thrill Kill, Litany, Tryptamine, Cadaver, Sensitivesoul, Whoameye.
Want to become a member and prevent an overreaction fucking up the dynamics of this place? Post here.