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When losing control as a sociopath

Posts: 846

A few years ago, I finally lost control of myself. I was going through a rough break up. My actions finally caught up with me. All the lying and sadistic hold I had on my ex were exposed. I don't think hurting him made me feel bad. Getting caught had. I do have my limits, even as the monster I am. I threatened to out my ex to his family because I suspected he fell for someone he met while we were still together. He keylogged my phone, and had his friends play with my mind. What I did was messed up. I did it to someone else afterward. I guess I can't help hurting people I feel hurt me. I do stop though. I move on. I just can't seem to break the cycle. I haven't dated in a while. Perhaps I never should. Can I move on though? Is that possible? Have any of you found that you've made a mess you wish you never made because the consequences seem unbearable?

Dear MoonMoon,

It seems to me that you were had by your ex boyfriend whom is much more likely to be a sociopath than yourself. I mean, there is a difference between licking his anus while he expresses his disapproval and being ass fucked against your will while his friend watches you two. With that in mind I suggest you look into PTSD. It would also explain your anxiety to form new relationships. At least that is my current impression. You should elaborate on what you did to these people.

Also, you were perceptive enough to notice that not all people here are sociopaths (some are psychopaths ;3), so you are welcome to stick around. It should help you figure yourself out and whatnot.


Posts: 442
When losing control as a sociopath































kill yourself




















Posts: 1
When losing control as a sociopath

A few years ago, I finally lost control of myself. I was going through a rough break up. My actions finally caught up with me. All the lying and sadistic hold I had on my ex were exposed. I don't think hurting him made me feel bad. Getting caught had. I do have my limits, even as the monster I am. I threatened to out my ex to his family because I suspected he fell for someone he met while we were still together. He keylogged my phone, and had his friends play with my mind. What I did was messed up. I did it to someone else afterward. I guess I can't help hurting people I feel hurt me. I do stop though. I move on. I just can't seem to break the cycle. I haven't dated in a while. Perhaps I never should. Can I move on though? Is that possible? Have any of you found that you've made a mess you wish you never made because the consequences seem unbearable?

Posts: 3882
When losing control as a sociopath

"Also, you were perceptive enough to notice that not all people here are sociopaths (some are psychopaths ;3)"

Christ, ugh the cringe

Posts: 1
When losing control as a sociopath

you came to the wrong place for help. now go choke on a cock. why am i rude, cuz I was brought here to piss the world off.

Posts: 1842
When losing control as a sociopath

In my world it is just normal to hurt people back. Revenge has existed as long as mankind.

Posts: 846
When losing control as a sociopath

It is interesting that you brought up the fact about whether or not people here are sociopaths/psychopaths... MoonMoon did not mention that as a relevant factor for anything.

As for the reaching out, it most certainly can be helpful.

Posts: 208
When losing control as a sociopath

Sir, very few of these people here have ASPD or pathological social dissonance (psychopathy).

Most of them can't even manipulate adequately for extended time.

Mostly they are just psychologically perverse, ego-strained pseudo-children.

I strongly doubt that reaching out to them will provide you with anything.

If you have a personality disorder, it's not severe.

Don't come here, don't talk to these cunts.

You deserve better.

Posts: 3882
When losing control as a sociopath

sounds like you should avoid relationships for awhile, start later with something light/casual until you're sure you have control and wont repeat the cycle

Posts: 2658
When losing control as a sociopath

Lose control bb, just give it up

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