read the first paragraph of every word
dicks can't be used as weapons, plus isn't a weapons purpose to kill? the dick on the other hand brings life by making babies (while also not forgetting the woman's part in this Emoji grin )
Women are uncapable of rationally discussing something and just resort to ad hominem attacks
wiggles penis demonstrating male superiority
Retards, by the way, display very feminine behaviour such as needing to take care of them 4 example. Not to mention the fact that women just tend to act
Ultra dumb in comparision to males.
But even if one ignores that part, it's a proven fact that women have less neurons and as such are uncapable of performing intellectually as high as a man.
Since women want superiority to males socially. maybe we should transplant a male brain into their skulls.
Handsome males (like me) are objectified by women and serve only as a simple poontang dumpster, this is worse than the high rape of rate in India.
After all I feel like rape in India can feel justified if seen from an western point of view where men get scolded around for simply complimenting women.
Nothing can be said about their behavior, they try to justify it by acting like sluts in order to get men to approve it for a few mins of poontang.
Despite all this, I recognize women if put on a leash and treated like slightly more capable and rational dogs can be useful, for breeding 4 example.
Surely there are better ways for women to be useful instead of just being an annoyance to men in general :D