This site's a bunch of apathetic amorals, right? Am I to expect a bunch of people parroting Mr. Pink?
How much do you guys tend to tip people?
Tipping isn't a huge thing here either. Delivery drivers tend to give you puppy dog eyes, especially in the rain, but that's the benefit of having a door between you and the waitstaff.
As for the actual culture of tipping in places like the U.S., it's ridiculous and I shall not engage. Unless they backflip during service, it's not warranted. If they were to backflip, I could agree to 10% (and I mean literally springing off the ground and rotating mid-air).
In poorer parts of the world, I tip to avoid being stabbed/infected. That's a sort of quid pro quo I can live with.
It really is a fucked up system, using tipping as the sole means of motivating the waitstaff, but it's pretty much on par with unpaid internship levels of scamming.
I tend to tip from not wanting to find spit in my food if/when I become a regular for that business. I'll range between 10% to 20% based on the service (unless it was just that awful), and I try to get repeat service from the same people the following times that I come in to get better treatment in the future.