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Make an Anime Version of What You Think You Look Like

-_- Cake, I think you missed the point. At least label which ones are who. Which one is supposed to be you anyways?

Posts: 631
Make an Anime Version of What You Think You Look Like

"...  you should label them."


I did.

"stealing MY CAKE"

Referring to myself and my possessions in a pic that represents myself is labelling.

Not my problem if you're too thick to get it  :P

Posts: 631
Make an Anime Version of What You Think You Look Like

The one with the reply box stating that the post is a reply to Systematic is...

...wait for it...



rolls eyes


Posts: 631
Make an Anime Version of What You Think You Look Like



Posts: 380
Make an Anime Version of What You Think You Look Like

Syst no jutsu

Posts: 155
Make an Anime Version of What You Think You Look Like

Week day work me :D

Yes there is a difference!

Posts: 676
Make an Anime Version of What You Think You Look Like

I can guess who they are, anyone can. It's just that if you do multiple people you should label them. It helps with the organization. 

Posts: 424
Make an Anime Version of What You Think You Look Like

Posts: 10218
Make an Anime Version of What You Think You Look Like

Five selfie anime images?

The boredom is real.

Posts: 424
Make an Anime Version of What You Think You Look Like

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