I've gotten around to thinking.. are women REALLY people? We know that men are people, as they are man by the very definition. But it seems almost like a woman is a parody of a man. She has all the weaknesses, but none of the strengths. They're hardly emotionally developed, and are waiting to break down into tears in the arms of a man the first chance they get. I have questions like is it really such a good idea to let hem vote, or even have any control over the decisions in their own lives, You don;t let a child do the same, so why would you let a person at the same metal level be able to have the same power? Having a vagina is treated as a disability in this day and age, with all the hankering down to meet the bitching of all those crazy vocal cunts we call "feminists". But I think that it is quite a good idea for women to learn their place in society once again, and stop with all the bullshitting about, I mean, we even gave niggers the vote, what's next men being allowed to fuck goats? Two goats? Where does it end?
I'd appreciate to hear all of your thoughts on the matter, and we can have a calm educated discussion below, and I thank you for you interest
(Not to any women, obviously)